As adults, and probably even as eight-year-olds, we easily understand the concept and benefits of sharing. Toddlers and preschoolers, however, are still getting the hang of it. From a toddler’s perspective, sharing can mean getting to take toys from others or having toys taken away. While preschoolers are still learning the concept, they begin to understand sharing more completely.
One Major Challenge of Sharing
One big problem when teaching young children to share is helping them to understand the meaning of the word. This can be tricky because sometimes sharing means lending and other times it means giving. For example, if you share a cookie, you don’t get it back. If you share a toy, it will be returned.

Creative Ways to Teach Young Children to Share
1. Start Young – Though babies and young toddlers have a difficult time grasping the concept of sharing, you can help them get used to it by sharing with them and taking turns with their toys.
2. Take Turns – Shift the concept from giving something away to taking turns. This more specifically asks your child to be patient, rather than generous.
3. Time It – Time each turn with a timer during playdates. This keeps sharing fair, while also teaching children that they will get their toys back when they share.
4. Praise Descriptively – Instead of saying, “Good job!” Say, “Look how happy you made your friend by sharing.” This shows your child exactly what he or she did right and why it was a good thing to do.
5. Put Away Special Items – To avoid negative experiences with sharing, put away extra special items during play dates.
A Nourishing Environment, Teaching Creative Lessons
Allowing children to interact with their peers in child care provides the opportunity to learn to share. At Creative Corner Child Care Center, we provide a nourishing environment to help children learn important skills, like sharing, that will help them make friends and be successful for life. To learn more about our programs for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers, contact us today by calling (615) 581-0157 or using our contact form.