
Parent Involvement: Why You Are Your Child’s Most Important Teacher

Mom and Dad Reading to Toddler

Early childhood is arguably the most important time during any child’s education. During the toddler and preschool years, children learn the basic skills that create the foundation which will support their future education and development. Positive experiences in school and child care during this time in your child’s life establish a springboard which will launch them into grade school with a good attitude, excitement for learning, and the social skills to make friends and confidently join groups.

Why Parental Involvement in Education Is So Important

Establishing Priorities – When you take the time to be involved in your child’s education, they will make learning a priority, too.

Extended Learning – You can reinforce your child’s classroom lessons with corresponding activities at home.

Educational Support – You can offer your child additional support where/when it’s needed by being aware of your child’s struggles in school.

More Positive Experiences – Children who have their parents support excel in the classroom and enjoy more positive educational experiences.

Connection Between Home and School – Talking about what your child learned outside of the classroom will help their cognitive development, as they make connections between their school lessons and everyday life.

Improved Scholastic Performance – Children with parents who take an active role in their education early tend to perform better in school throughout their education.

Stronger Social Bonds – Being involved in your child’s education will help him or her make friends through the social connections you make with other parents. You will enjoy the support, information, and advice you receive from other parents, too.

Take a More Hands-On Approach to Your Child’s Education

At Creative Corner Child Care Center, we welcome parents and guardians to take an active, involved role in their child’s early education. We work to create a parent-friendly classroom environment that welcomes you to participate in your child’s early development and education. To learn more about our child care center and our programs for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers, we welcome you to contact us at (615) 581-0157, use our contact form, or stop by today.