Having a set routine for any part of the day makes toddlers feel secure because they know what to expect and can even look forward to and take pleasure in anticipating the next step. This is even true for bedtime. So, if bedtime in your home tends to be more of a battle than a peaceful end of the day, a routine might be exactly what your wide-awake toddler needs to snuggle up and sleep through the night.
Simple Tips for Bedtime Routines from Our Toddler Daycare Experts
Provide Choices
Toddlers have discovered their individuality and like to exert their wills whenever possible. Giving your toddler choices at bedtime will give him a sense of control. Before climbing into bed, offering a choice of snacks, pajamas, or bedtime stories will provide your child with a sense of ownership of bedtime.
Choose Calm Activities
Playing video games, dancing, or consuming hidden caffeine (chocolate) or sugar will rev-up your already energetic toddler. Instead, make bath time, reading stories, choosing snacks with protein, or listening to quiet music part of your child’s evening routine.
Brush Teeth
Brushing teeth can be a battle, but practicing good oral hygiene is worth avoiding traumatic visits to the dentist’s office early on. Give your child a choice of fun toothbrushes and make it a game by singing a song or counting each tooth as you go.
Enrich Your Child’s Development with a Nurturing Toddler Daycare Center
At Creative Corner Child Care Center, we focus on nurturing and encouraging infants, toddlers, and children through every stage of their early development with creative enrichment activities that emphasis the importance of learning and exploring in early childhood. For more information about how you can fill your child’s life with positive, caring, and educational moments, contact us today with our online form or call (615) 581-0157.