
Smart Ideas for Tackling the Terrible Twos

Toddler Tantrum

Toddlers develop, grow, and learn rapidly, and between 18 months and four years of age, it’s completely normal for children to test boundaries and want to do new things all by themselves. When they’re told “no” or struggle to pull on their own socks, it’s normal for unpleasant tantrums, meltdowns, and tears to burst forth from your frustrated child.

How to Handle Your Toddler’s Boundary-Testing Stage

Plan your schedule around theirs when possible. Do not make plans that infringe on regular mealtimes or naptime.

Calmly set clear, consistent boundaries by never giving into a tantrum. It can be tempting to just give your child a candy bar or toy when he or she starts screaming in public but doing so only reinforces the bad behavior.

Try to prepare your child before entering a store or transitioning to a new activity (like getting ready for bed) by telling them first that they cannot get any candy but can have a treat at home or telling them it’s almost bedtime a few minutes before putting away toys.

Acknowledge their emotions, whether they feel anger or frustration. Tell your child that you understand how they feel but explain that their behavior is not the right way to deal with the emotion. Help them learn how to ask for help and how to verbalize their feelings.

Enrich Your Child’s Development with Exceptional Toddler Child Care

At Creative Corner Child Care Center, we provide a safe, nurturing environment in which babies, toddlers, and preschoolers can thrive. Under our care, children are given the space to grow, play, and make new friends in a structured and enriching environment. If you are in need of preschool, infant, or toddler day care, we welcome you to contact us today at (615) 581-0157, use our convenient online form, or stop by today!