
How to Make the Best Sensory Bins: Everything You Need to Know

Sensory Bins for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Looking for a fun activity for children to explore and make discoveries? Sensory bins foster creative and critical thinking, train sensual observation, strengthen vocabulary, and encourage the development of fine motor skills in young children. The best part of sensory bins is that you can make a variety of them to enhance your children’s active play at home, using materials you may already have on hand.

Create a Stimulating Sensory Bin in Five Quick Steps

1. Select a Container

Use your creativity with this first step. The type of container you choose will affect the way your child plays with their sensory bin. You can use a milk jug to make a sensory bin hide-and-seek game. Choose a large, open-topped container, such as a tin baking pan or plastic storage container, for multiple children to play and discover together. If you want to take your sensory bin on the go, choose a sealable container like a large Ziploc bag or plastic canister.

2. Choose Your Fillers

You can use rice, shaving cream, homemade slime, sand, aquarium rocks, colored pasta, water beads, colored salt, water, beans, or cloud dough. Using different fillers for different bins will keep the sensory bin experience fun and exciting for children. If you’re worried about the mess, keep the play area on a blanket, shower curtain or keep messier fillers outside.

3. Pick a Theme

Themes create sensory bins that also tell a story. Create a seasonal holiday bin, construction site, a dinosaur jungle, a fishpond, or a pantry using plastic play food. Choose objects that won’t be sharp or pokey, to ensure safe play.

4. Fill it with Objects

Select theme-based objects or a surprise of a variety of different toys to hide within the filler inside your sensory bin.

5. Provide Exploration Tools

Offer tools like tongs, spoons, and scoops to enhance your child’s exploration.

Whatever materials you choose for making your sensory bins, be sure to set clear rules for play. For example, trying not to make a mess with the filler and not putting any items or fillers in the mouth. Parental supervision is recommended for children who are still prone to putting things in their mouth.

Stimulate Their Senses and Grow Their Minds in a Nurturing Environment

At Creative Corner Child Care Center, we focus on infant, toddler, and preschooler development in our childcare and preschool programs. Children experience a safe, enriching environment filled with sensory bins, opportunities for imaginative play, and social development through making friends. For more information, call us at (615) 581-0157, use our convenient online form, or stop by today!