If your toddler is not yet sleeping through the night, you can rest (or not rest) assured that you’re not the only bleary-eyed toddler parent. Although they need 11 to 14 hours of shut-eye, toddlers naturally have a difficult time sleeping through the night. Their 60-minute sleep cycle puts them in a light state sleep every hour, meaning they can wake easily often, but other factors can worsen their sleep troubles.
Reasons Why Toddlers Wake Up at Night
Transitions and Anxiety
Moving into a new bed, getting a new sibling or any changes in their normal routine can cause stress that makes it difficult for your toddler to stay asleep.
Physical Discomforts
Digestive issues, constipation, teething, stuffy noses, dry throat, or scratchy sheets can all wake a toddler.
Sleep Apnea
If your toddler wakes after snoring, they could have obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea in toddlers is usually caused by enlarged tonsils and adenoids. If you are concerned about this, you should call your pediatrician.
How to Help Your Toddler Sleep Through the Night
Block Outside Disturbances
You’re probably already an expert at tiptoeing through your home when your toddler’s asleep. Installing a white noise machine will prevent noises you can’t control from disturbing your toddler by creating a peaceful sleep environment.
Address Physical Concerns
If you suspect something physical is preventing your toddler from sleeping, like sleep apnea, teething, or a stuffy nose, do your best to address the issue. This could mean taking measures like visit the pediatrician or plugging in a humidifier a couple hours before bedtime.
Don’t Rush to Help
Little ones tend to be noisy sleepers, so it’s not unusual for them to cry out while they’re still asleep. Pause for a moment before rushing into your child’s bedroom to see if they quiet down on their own.
Provide Calm Reassurance
When your child wakes at night, it’s important not to overdo your comforting efforts. While you want your child to know everything’s okay, they’re safe, and that you’re there, you also want them to learn how to calm and soothe themselves.
Be Consistent
As with everything in a toddler’s life, consistency with bedtime routines is key to you both eventually enjoying restful nights. Keep consistent naptimes and bedtimes every day. Otherwise, children can develop unhealthy sleep patterns.
Don’t start the routine of bringing your toddler into your own bed, unless you want that to be the new routine. It can be hard but with a consistent bedtime routine most children will develop a good sleep pattern and eventually sleep through the night.
Toddler Daycare for After the Sun Comes Up
At Creative Corner Child Care Center, we provide infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with a nurturing environment that encourages healthy development and growth. If you’re in need of toddler daycare center that provides your child with a safe and enriching environment during the daylight hours, we welcome you to schedule a visit today. For more information, call us at (615) 581-0157!