Amanda Key, RN
Quality Assurance Manager
Amanda Key is the Quality Assurance Coordinator at Creative Corner Child Care Center. A child at heart, Amanda loves her job and is motivated every day by the true humanitarian heart she’s been blessed with. Perhaps that’s why she also ended up becoming a registered nurse — something she’s wanted to do since she was 9 years old.
Since starting at the center in August, Amanda’s been praised again and again for her constantly-positive attitude and calm and caring demeanor when it comes to the children. Walk down any hall at Creative Corner and you’ll find Amanda engaging with the children and making them laugh, smile, and sing. Whether it’s marching around like an elephant to make the kids giggle in the toddler room, calming a crying baby in the infant room, or singing and acting goofy with the older children, Amanda is dedicated to Creative Corner’s pupils.
Originally hailing from Beckley, West Virginia, Amanda grew up in Roanoke, VA before coming to White House and joining our Creative Corner team. Close to her parents and blessed with a loving husband and beautiful little boy, she loves spending time with her family. Amanda also enjoys working as a registered nurse, which she’s been doing for the last four years.
A self-proclaimed “people person,” she loves meeting new children and their parents. Amanda also values being a parent herself as she works in her job as Quality Assurance, because it helps her to see what parents and kids need, where improvements should be at the center, and how she can better serve our community of children and families.
Get to Know Amanda
What is one of your favorite quotes?
“Oh, the places you’ll go” – Dr. Seuss.
What is one of your favorite movies?
Emmett Otter’s Jug Band Christmas.
What one thing would you tell your younger you?
It really is going to be ok. You are going to accomplish everything you’ve set out to do.
If you were the dictator of your own home what would be your first command?
We must always have dessert first … preferably chocolate!
If someone made a movie of your life would it be a drama, a comedy, a romantic-comedy, action film, or science fiction?
Definitely; a romantic-comedy.
What is one item on your bucket list?
Fly Fishing! I really want to go to Montana and learn the art of fly fishing.
What is your favorite southern saying or phrase?
When someone asks how I’m doing I like to say, “I’m hanging in here like a hair in a biscuit”.
If you could bring back any fashion trend what would it be?
Big hair from the late 80’s early 90’s. I can tease some hair and go through a can of Aqua Net with the best of them. I’m pretty sure I just gave my age away too.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
My Daddy use to say, ‘little strokes fall big oaks”. In other words, doing great things takes time. Keep working at it and eventually it’ll happen.
What was your favorite cartoon character growing up?
The Swedish Chef! Bork, Bork Bork! He’s so funny!