
Tips for Keeping Baby Safe

New Born Baby

No baby comes with an instruction manual and for parents coming home with a new baby it can be exciting and scary at the same time. So, although your child doesn’t come with instructions, there’s plenty of good advice available to help you along the way.

How to Make the Best Sensory Bins: Everything You Need to Know

Sensory Bins for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Looking for a fun activity for children to explore and make discoveries? Sensory bins foster creative and critical thinking, train sensual observation, strengthen vocabulary, and encourage the development of fine motor skills in young children. The best part of sensory bins is that you can make a variety of them to enhance your children’s active play at home, using materials you may already have on hand.

How to Keep Your Child Calm During Storms

Preschool Student with Umbrella

The power of nature can strike both awe and fear. Although some children get excited during storms, others find thunderstorms quite frightening. Although it’s important to educate children about the potential dangers of storms and how to practice storm safety, we also want them to feel safe and secure. All storms, mild or severe, seem to pass more quickly with happy children. The next time a storm is brewing, use the following tips to calm your child.